

⑴ 反応染色


⑵ 硫化染色

硫化染料とは、染料に硫黄原子を含む染料で、硫化ナトリウムを加えたアルカリ性還元浴で染めます。 一般的に不鮮明な色相ですが、複雑で味わいのある色をしています。
塩素漂白に弱く、再現性はあまりありません。 また、高濃度で染めて洗浄が不十分の場合、日が経つと染料の硫黄分が酸化して硫酸に変わり、セルロ-ス繊維を脆化させる欠点がありますが、独特な硫化染色らしい風合いや自然なヴィンテージ感も有ります。

⑶ ピグメント染色






“Daisen” and Dye

(1)Reactive dyeing

The most popular type of dyeing, commonly used for cotton. In the process of dyeing, the reactive groups in its dyestuff molecules reacts chemically with fiber, and dyeing will be caused once the covalent bond between the dye and fibers is formed.
The dye is formed combined with hydrosoluble dyeing matrix including chromophore and atom group including reactive chlorine such as Dichlorotriazine.
Its coloration is made in the alkaline dye bath, when the dye reacts with hydroxyl group of cellulosic fibers and creates ether binding. Therefore, it is superior in terms of dye fastness and brightness of colors.

(2) Sulfur dyeing

Sulfur dye contains atom of sulfur, and its coloration is made by alkaline reduce dye bath, adding sodium sulfides. Generally, the color phase is quite blur however it has rich taste with complexity. With a weak resistance to chlorine bleaching, therefore it is not really unreproducible. If it is dyed in high concentration and had washed inadequately, then the sulfur content of dye will become oxidized and turns to sulfuric acid in few days, which cause embrittlement of cellulose fiber in result. Despite of such disadvantages, it shows the good texture with natural vintage style unique to sulfur dyeing.

(3) Pigment dyeing

A method of dyeing to use pigments, which originally is used for printing. It does not bleach the cloth, but rather dye it. This method is quite new, and by putting the color on its surface rather than penetrating the color deep into fibers, it produces retrospective atmosphere as a vintage items in a fine balance with its loss of color.


In addition to dyeing, our company also performs soaping, fulling, ball bio processing, silicon processing, etc.
Ball bio-processing is a process that uses special enzymes to feed microorganisms on the surface of the fabric. It uses an enzyme that decomposes cellulose fibers, and by soaking the fabric in a biosolution containing microorganisms, it softens the fabric and brings out the color, giving it a vintage look.

Please feel free to contact us for any processing other than inquiries.


Environmental Efforts



Dye we use

Since 2015, Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare has regulated 24 types of cancer-causing aromatic amine. We have submitted the declaration to disuse the control subject dye and had been certified to cover global standards.




Drainage equipment

We observe the laws under Bureau of Sewerage Tokyo Metropolitan Government. Our factory, operated in Tokyo, has installed pollution control equipment to complete the duties referred to paragraph 2 of Article 4 in Tokyo Sewage line Ordinance and paragraph 4 of Article 12 in Sewage line law.
